Friday, January 30, 2015

Mind Battles


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Forgiving Love

I had the privilege of speaking at my home town school's FCA (Fellowship of Christian Atheletes) this morning and I'd like to share it with you all. Here is a rundown of what I said:

When I was in junior high, I had a friend that treated me really bad behind closed doors. I guess you could say that I was bullied. It left me feeling empty and hating myself. But more than anything.. I had a hatred in my heart for that friend. One day I had had enough. I told God I didn't want anything to do with that person and that I hated them. 
Then I went to Lebanon Family Church for the first time and literally they spoke about forgiveness.
That's when I knew I had to forgive them.. And myself. It took time, but I began to see things much differently than before and our relationship was restored.
Forgiving someone frees you. Holding a grudge against people hurts YOU, not them. So let it go. It is a process, but forgive them.
The book of Hosea is about a prophet of God named Hosea that marries a woman and has children with her. But she kinda goes crazy and becomes a prostitute. God tells Hosea to go buy her for 15 shekels so that he can take her back home to be free and they can be husband and wife again. Hosea obeys God, and still loved his wife. She repeatedly leaves Hosea. And Hosea repeatedly keeps getting her back and loving her. Imagine how rejected and hurt he felt. But he couldn't hold a grudge.. because God told Hosea to continue loving her. You see, God was showing Hosea how He loves His people. We constantly reject God, yet He constantly loves us. It's amazing to me. No matter what we do, we are beautiful in His sight. What a blessing His mercy and grace is. He gives us a Love that we don't deserve. 
So remember that to help you get over grudges... Because people are human and mess things up. But God loves us anyways.

1 Corinthians 13:5 ...."Love keeps no record of being wronged..."

Monday, January 12, 2015

So Simple

"I love You, O Lord, my strength." Psalm 18:1

This verse keeps showing up. I love when that happens. 
I love the simplicity of this. David is simply just telling God that he loves Him and that He is his strength. That's beautiful to me.

I tend to overcomplicate things.. Kinda a lot. A lot of people do, though, I'm sure. It messes things up. 
As a young Christian, I have found myself trying to prove my worth to people and Jesus. It makes me laugh now that I realize.. There is absolutely no need for that. Some people simply don't need to be proved, and God already knows. He loves us more than any of His other creation. He shows that to us in many beautiful ways. 
But, I just wanted to share that verse. It really means a lot to me.
I hope that you have a beautiful day and receive a blessing today! 

Kristin 🌸

Dear Lord, in Jesus name I raise up every reader right now, to You. May you bless them today and show them Your lovingkindness. Bring to them the joy of Your salvation and show them the right path to take! Bless them with wisdom and clarity of all things in Jesus name. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every reader and send your warrior angels to minister and protect and fight on their behalf in Jesus name. Whatever is broken and needs healing will be remade in Jesus name and anyone that needs awakened will be right now in Jesus name. Amen.