Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Deny Yourself

Luke 9:23-25
And He said to them ALL, "If any man will come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF and TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY , and FOLLOW ME.
For whosoever will save his life will lose it: but whosoever will lose their life FOR MY SAKE, the same shall save it.
For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?" ~Jesus Christ of Nazareth

These scriptures are hard to take sometimes. Especially when we aren't used to giving it all up to Jesus. And even when we have been living for Him for a while... we all still wrestle with flesh and blood. Therefore it is hard for us to deny ourselves. 
Our spirit-man and our flesh our in a constant battle until we that are in Christ make it through those pearly gates. Jesus Himself knew how hard it was to live in the flesh. He, Himself was God in the flesh. He was perfect and 100% God, yet He also lived through temptations just like us.
You know, it's hard to serve two masters. You simply cannot do it. So let me ask you a question...


Religion likes to tell us that it's all peachy and easy when we follow Jesus. The thing is, no it's not. And you cannot abuse the grace of Jesus by "getting saved" and then living like Hell all the time. And that goes for everyone. 

Even in our secret sin... Just because other people don't see your sin, doesn't mean that it wasn't done. Everyone of us has to crucify our flesh (meaning to give up the desires we have in this world and take control of ourselves by walking in the spirit). I see this as a deep subject.

The point is, we have to let go of ourselves and our earthly desires to follow Jesus. We have to deny ourselves DAILY. I mean, no one said it would be easy. Jesus said we would have trials and that it would be hard... but that it would be so so worth it.

So take control... bind your flesh down and pray to Jesus with NO LIMITS. We are ALL messy and all live in the flesh... so let's ALL run to Jesus and live in FREEDOM!

Jesus, thank You... I mean, I sometimes feel like I don't explain things well. But, Jesus you said that you chose the foolishness of preaching to confound the wise. Touch us all and help us get a deeper and more intimate understanding on denying ourselves to follow You. Following You is hard, but worth it. We just have to take it day by day and deny ourselves.. dying to ourselves and saying.. You know what Lord, YOU ARE ALL WE NEED! Help us tare down these stupid walls that have been between us and You. I command every demon to leave from our lives in the name of JESUS CHRIST! Jesus, You said that pride comes before a fall.. so LORD, humble us.. MAKE US NEW AGAIN! In JESUS NAME! I plead the blood of JESUS CHRIST over every reader and their life, family, and situations in the name of JESUS! Show us how to LOVE like YOU LOVE US! In Jesus name! AMEN!

Click HERE to listen to "Take Me" by Worth Dying For

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