Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Guilt Stinks. It's Time to Take Out The Trash!

You don't have to live in guilt. Everyday, being taunted with what you have done or what you've been through. And then you're thinking... "If you only knew, Kristin. I sin all the time. I'm messed up." Well you're right. You are messy.. and so am I.

Who said that we had to be perfect? I hope that I am not the first one to tell you that that isn't going to happen... you being perfect. Honestly, I mess up everyday. Yes, everyday. And I've had my fair share of messes. But, you see, Jesus knew about all that before He created us. Jeremiah 1:5 says, " Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations." In this scripture, Jesus was telling Jeremiah that He knew everything about him before He even made him. And that goes with us too. And that involves all of the sins we would do against Him and all the things we would go through. That didn't stop Jesus. He gives us the choice and still makes us. He wanted to make you.. and still wants you here.

Look, you're not what you've done. Don't expect yourself to be perfect.. because that will never happen. The most righteous person is still a messy human being that sins a lot. That's why WE NEED JESUS! He didn't put Himself in flesh upon the earth to die just to tell us that we are suppose to be good little kids! JESUS DIED BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FREE US FROM SIN, GUILT, AND DEATH! You can be FREE. In fact He wants you. Jesus wants you. Just the way you are, with all the sin and everything. He loves you the way you are but He doesn't want to leave you that way. Not one person is without sin... that's why we all need Jesus.

It's time to get rid of this stinky guilt and take out the trash. Brothers and sisters, If you would like any prayer on this subject or anything else, please feel free to email me! 

Jesus, thank You. You're NOT a mean God. You didn't die on the cross to mock us. You died for us out of Love not hate. You want us free from this messed up world. I REBUKE THE DEVIL IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! JESUS PLEASE TOUCH EVERY READER IN JESUS NAME AND MYSELF AND HELP US AWAKEN TO YOUR LOVE! You are NOT a mean God. You Love us. JESUS, YOU ARE LOVE! I send angels to protect and minister to us all in Jesus name! I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over us in Jesus name. Please, Lord, use this post to show people why You died for us. Not out of hate, but LOVE. You are beautiful Lord, and You want us to be FREE! I REBUKE THE DARKNESS THAT HAS COME AGAINST US IN JESUS NAME! I REBUKE SUICIDAL SPIRITS FROM US IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! JESUS USE US TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE YOU LOVE THEM! IN JESUS NAME! AMEN! 

Say this out loud:


Now take a deep breath. You are called to freedom. 

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