Monday, January 6, 2014


I'm going to ask you a pretty tough question.. a question to make you think...

What's holding you back?

It could be anything. For me, something that has been holding me back for much too long is the habitual sin of overeating. We all have struggles. What is yours? I'm not asking you to tell me.. I'm asking you to really be real with yourself.
So what if other people do it too... This isn't about them. This is about you.. and what separates you from true joy with Jesus. Nothing holding you... us... back.

It's hard to move forward with weights holding us down. We have to hand them to Jesus... they don't hinder Him. He wants us.. and in order to get to us.. He has to tare the thick veil between us and Him.

Whatever sits on the throne of your life... if it's not Jesus... it needs to go. It's not a religious thing. It's the fact that nothing can satisfy our hearts... truly satisfy without any lack... except Jesus. It is good to have things whatever it is that is between Jesus and you).. but when food becomes the god of your life instead of Jesus... there's trouble....

We can't let the devil deceive us. We were made to be free in the LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST. But that doesn't mean we use this freedom to do whatever it is we please. Yes, if we ask for forgiveness of our sin... Jesus forgives and forgets the sin.. it's wiped away clean as if it was never there to begin with... But if we use and abuse this grace... it's betrayal to Jesus.

Let's find the ROOT to our weariness.. dig it up.. and burn it.. Let our roots be in Jesus.. and nothing else.

"As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God." 
(1 Peter 2:16 KJV)

There are certainly many more things I am working on besides overeating.. this is just an example. 
If you need any personal help with whatever it is that you are struggling with.. You can contact me by emailing me:
I'm not saying that I can fix it... only Jesus can do that. Fellowship is always a great way to get closer to Jesus. So let me know.

Jesus, forgive me.. I always need help.. We all do. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every reader and myself in the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! We are not called to be broken in shame and guilt. We need You, Jesus. Show us what we need to get rid of in life.. and please help us do so.. for You, Jesus. I send angels to protect us and minister to us in JESUS name. Show us your glory, Lord. In Jesus name, we Love You.. In JESUS NAME, AMEN.


  1. I have problems with the same. In fact God told me to put that sandwich down and I did to grab another chip. Then picked it back up now it's gone. After I ate my lunch I decided to look at this page and what do you know the first thing I seen!!!! I know it's about denying our flesh and I struggle with that. I heard a testimony of a man in Turkey an apostolic evangelist that was so obedient to God he ran out of money and didn't eat for 9 days. He went to go witness to people at a local café. The owner offered to buy this man food and offered him money and God told the man do not take anything from this man. HE OBEYED GOD!!!! The café owner knew the man didn't have any money or food. The evangelist told him God will take care of me!!! Then out of nowhere a man came up to the evangelist and gave him enough money it was about the yearly salary for somebody that would live in the area. That café owner witnessed this and got baptized in Jesus name and got filled with the Holy Ghost that same night. I was so inspired by that man. I thought to myself how could I get to the point where I could trust and obey God to the fullest. If it was me I would have ate and taken the money of the café owner. I pray to be this obedient. A soul was on the line if that café owner hadn't seen this he probably would have never been saved. I pray we all can deny ourselves. Hope this helps. I know it helped me :)

  2. Praise Jesus! This moves me to know that the power of Jesus Christ is working in us. Thank you so so SOO much for sharing this. It inspires me and motivates me to run to Jesus instead of food. The love of food instead of Jesus causes us to sink... Let's rise together with JESUS and fly above this wall in JESUS NAME! NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM JESUS!
    I have been using a free website:
    This website has allowed me to focus on Jesus through letting myself become less and Jesus becoming more in my life. It helps things like gluttony, lust, depression, gambling... And more. If you are interested, take a look. With the apostolic doctrine lense applied to this website, I have been able to crucify my flesh. Sure I have still messed up.. But I am not captive. Much love and thank you so so much once again for sharing this. I needed it. JESUS BLESS YOU!

  3. Kristi I want you to know that I love you and thank you so much for everything you have done for me with praying for/about me and just always being there thanks girl and keep your head up don't let the devil knock ya down!!!!!!!!
